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Hello World

Hello and welcome to our first blog on our new exciting website! As the charity starts to take off and we get more and more enquiries about taking animals in, it also means more work and more materials needed! (I will come back to that in a bit)...and with that in mind I would like to say a massive thank you to each and every one of you who donated to our foster pig area fundraiser! You guys made it possible for us to purchase the foster piggies new shelter that was so desperately needed, your donations also went to being able to extend their area and install a mud bath for them. A lot of our donations came from the family & friends of an amazing guy who sadly passed away earlier this year...Phil Ballard. Phil was a friend of ours here at Hakuna Matata Animal Trust, he was a father of two and he absolutely loved all animals! His family, friends and colleagues chose Hakuna Matata as their nominated charity to donate to in Phil's memory, and with that in mind we decided to name the new foster pen in memory of Phil as the 'Phil Ballard Foster Pad'. This area will be kept in Phil's name to give emergency foster care and respite to any animals that need it in the future!

Once the new shelter was purchased we had some amazing volunteers come and help us put it all together, Kate, Jono and their daughter Holly, who were such a huge help and a massive part of putting the new foster piggy area together!

We have also taken in two newbies recently as I'm sure many of you have seen! Our two little boys Pinky & Perky, the medium white piglets, who have created a lot of work, a lot of love and a lot of laughter over the last couple of months! These boys were saved from slaughter and we couldn't imagine life without them now. They have made a massive impact on all of us and on Baxter who they instantly bonded with!

We have a few projects on the horizon. One of the main ones is to build a chicken coop and run and to finish the rabbit run roof properly. If anyone would like to get involved in this task please get in touch! Likewise if anyone has any materials they would like to donate please also get in touch as this helps us as a sanctuary massively with cutting down costs!

We also want to have a mass tidy up of the sanctuary, where work has taken place and a few areas have turned in to a bit of a dumping ground of left overs!!

Finally (for now) we need to build a larger or second compost area. So if anyone has any spare pallets, screws, posts, chicken wire or netting...please get in touch!

We are so grateful to all the donations, support and interest we've had in our little sanctuary. We are not open to the public, for a few reasons but mainly because the animals that come to us come from various backgrounds and we do not want to overwhelm them, their safety and happiness is paramount!

However, if you would like to come and visit the animals, this can be arranged by appointment. This not only makes it more peaceful for the animals but also provides a peaceful and therapeutic place to those who want to come and spend time with the animals, particularly benefitting those with special needs, illness or needing time out, away from busy places to just spend some peaceful quality time with the animals in beautiful surrounding! As we all know animals are great for our well-being and lifting our spirits.

Please, if you haven't already, follow us on Facebook, join our Hakuna Matata Fundraising Events group, follow us on Instagram and even tiktok! All of your support means so much to us and even if you cannot afford to donate or take part in our monthly auctions, you can still help by sharing our posts with all of your friends and spreading the word!

I will leave you with a picture of our special birthday boy Mustard who turned 7 this week! Thank you for reading and we hope you are enjoying our story so far!



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