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Image by Stainless Images

Previous Animals

Whilst we focus on saving lives here at Hakuna Matata Animal Trust inevitably there comes a time when all creatures pass and go to Rainbow Bridge as sadly nothing lives forever.

This section is to remember those that have lived and been loved here with us at Hakuna Matata.

Rosie and Poppy


14.02.2016 - 02.07.2022

Poppy 14.02.2016 - 17.02.2023


Rosie and Poppy were our first pigs and Hakuna Matata was set up in their memory.

Through having Rosie and Poppy from tiny piglets, my love of pigs grew. Sadly, although they were bought as 'Micro pigs' they also grew and sadly through ill breeding came a lot of health issues, and despite our best efforts along with the vets, they didn't reach the life expectancy we had hoped for.

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Perci and Little Brown

Perci (Percival)

30.10.2012 - 12.09.2023

Little Brown

30.10.2013 - 11.09.23

Perci was Little Brown's Dad. Both elderly rams, they came from a working farm. The farmers have now retired abroad and had nowhere for these boys to go, so they came here to Hakuna Matata to live out the rest of their lives. With their actual birth date unknown we made their birthday the date they arrived with us... 30th October! 

They were very amusing characters here, loving the company of the horses, they got used to us humans too and we grew to love them very much.

Sadly, Little Brown passed away and the following day we found Perci had also passed, (we believe of a broken heart) they were inseparable in life and also in death and they are both very sadly missed.


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