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Meet the Pigs

Who We Are



D.O.B: 10.07.2016

Mustard came to us in 2021. He and his brother were pet pigs on a working sheep farm. Unfortunately for them circumstances changed and the lady could no long keep them on the land so they were under threat of being sent off for slaughter.

Transport arrangements were made and the two boys made their way down to us, though excitement our end at the boys arrival soon turned to heart break when Peppa (Mustard's brother) had passed away in transport.


Mustard was not in a good way either and we fought tirelessly to save him. Though at first he showed clear signs of depression from losing his brother, after lots of love, attention and company, he soon perked up and has been enjoying his surroundings ever since.


Mustard is our gentle giant here at Hakuna Matata Animal Trust and well known for his amazing smile and being a little bit clumsy.

His absolute favourite treat is apples, though he enjoys bananas, melons and strawberries a lot too!


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Molly and Polly

Molly. D.O.B: 07.11.2014

Polly. D.O.B: 07.11.2017

Molly & Polly are our emergency foster girls! Molly is Polly's Mum, and they come from a working farm.

They could no longer stay where they were, and though the farmer promised them a retirement as pet pigs she has yet to find suitable land to home them on. If a temporary home wasn't found they would have been sent to slaughter.


We offered the girls the temporary home they needed and they have been with us since the beginning of November 2022.


Their owner stays in regular contact whilst she still searches for land.

Their favourite treats are jammy doughnuts and custard creams, though this is a very rare treat here at Hakuna Matata Animal Trust, they also love pretty much any fruit & veggies! 


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D.O..B: 06.05.2014

Baxter had been a house pig for most of his life. He has come from a very loving, family home! Unfortunately for Baxter the circumstances changed in the family home through no fault of Baxter's or his family, he could no longer stay with them. He has now come to live at Hakuna Matata Animal Trust. He started off here with his own bedroom full of duvets and pillows which is what he was used to but since Baxter has two new piggy friends he now prefers to have traditional straw to sleep on like them... Pinky & Perky made it their mission since arriving to keep Baxter company, he is known to them as Grandpa Bax!


Baxter's favourite treats are apple, carrot and banana, though he also likes a bit of melon amongst other fruits and veggies!

Baxter is well known for his happy, fun, loving character. He is always smiling and loves absolutely everyone, especially if they have lots of belly rubs for him! Baxter has just turned 9!


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Pinky and Perky

D.O.B: 14.03.2022

Pinky and Perky are medium white pigs. They have come to us from a working farm and would have otherwise been sent to slaughter at just 5 months of age!


Pinky is a very loving, affectionate piggy, who likes to follow either us or his Grandpa Bax around, constantly looking for love, reassurance and guidance! He loves nothing more than a cuddle and belly rub!

Perky is our little trouble maker! Always looking for something to get up to, a way to escape and explore! Perky is a very confident, independent piggy, but he does also love a good belly rub.


Though completely different characters, they are both very loveable, well loved characters here at Hakuna Matata Animal Trust!


Their favourite treats are apple, banana, pear, and carrots, though they love pretty much anything edible to a piggy!


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